A good quote

“Ah, there’s nothing more exciting than science. You get all the fun of... sitting still, being quiet, writing down numbers, paying attention... Science has it all.”- Principal Skinner

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Welcome to Rhymes With Science!  This is a blog dedicated to fun with social science research (and, oh by the way,"Research Methods in the Social Sciences" or SS304A at Marylhurst University).

The syllabus for the class can be found here (a Marylhurst Google Doc).

We will use this blog to facilitate web content for the class, post interesting studies and research-y things from around the web to stimulate conversations about how social research can be useful in our daily lives. We'll also use the blog to answer course questions that might come up if the answer would be useful for everyone to see.

A note about the inspiration for this blog's name -

Robert Zajonc (pronounced zy-ance) was a highly-regarded social psychologist who taught in the US until 1994.  He enjoyed teaching a great deal.  To help students remember his name, he explained that it "rhymes with science!"    
